Watercolor Illustration

It was late summer afternoon in 2019.

“Mrtva ura” (Dead hour) as we’d say in Dalmatia. Great time to take a little nap before afternoon coffee.

My nap was sweet and short, just the way it should be. After maybe thirty minutes I felt myself waking up. I didn’t open my eyes right away, decided to savour the sweetness of that state where you’re not asleep but also not fully awake yet. You’re in between worlds and feel like floating in the nothingness …

At a split second,  in my mind’s eye,  I saw an image of a beautiful sunset. I thought to myself “Allright girl, you’re starting to lose it. All this painting is finally getting to you and you’re turning into an artsy fluke…”

I opened my eyes and took a minute to come to full consciousness. I decided I better catch some fresh air outside. When I got outside and made those few steps to the waterfront – it hit me !  The sunset !!!  It was the exact image I had in my mind’s eye just a few minutes ago.

I ran back to the house, grabbed my phone and rushed back out to snap a photo.  

And that’s how this beauty came into 3D existence.





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